What do Cubans in Cuba think about Marco Rubio?
February 25, 2024
Marco Rubio is the highest-ranking Cuban-American politician ever in the U.S. During his first month as Secretary of State, he has announced a “tough” Cuba policy, putting Cuba back on the state sponsors of terrorism list and hindering remittances. So, what do Cubans in Cuba think of having Rubio as Trump’s top diplomat?
“Marco Rubio is the son of Cuban migrants and he’s screwing over his own people”
Marco Rubio is the first Cuban American to become secretary of state. He has long advocated for economic warfare against Cuba. What do Cubans in Cuba think of having Rubio as Trump’s top diplomat?
“Marco Rubio is a big S.O.B.”.
“His only interest is money, like all the Cuban-American [politicians] over there, who are doing it all for the money, not for the well-being of the Cuban people”.
“As secretary of state he’ll try everything to make things harder for us [in Cuba]”.
“Marco Rubio is taking advantage of his position as secretary of state of the most powerful country in the world to punish Cuba”.
“I believe that Marco Rubio's and Trump's policies may lead to a worsening of our current situation”.
“It's an obsolete policy that hasn’t worked for many years and has always harmed the Cuban people”.
“This has led to greater limitations and shortages”.
“These sanctions are against the Cuban government, but we are the ones paying the price”.
Rubio has announced the new administration will have a “tough U.S.-Cuba policy”.
Trump’s first move was putting Cuba back on the “State Sponsors of Terrorism List”.
“Cuba has never terrorism. Cuba has been a victim of terrorism”.
“Many high-ranking officials in the U.S. establishment have said Cuba poses no threat”.
“Being on that list damages Cuba’s image in the eyes of the world and how they view the Cuban people”.
“If you are going to fly somewhere on vacation and you learn that the country is a sponsor of terrorism, obviously you don’t go”.
“With this decrease in tourism, which is Cuba’s most important economic sector in Cuba, people's struggles increases”.
“The country is going through its worst time ever”.
Rubio has also blocked remittances sent to Cuba via Western Union.
“Our economy depends on remittances, on U.S. dollars. There’s a lot of inflation in Cuba and we need that money to eat”.
“It’ll make it harder for our relatives. They will have to find alternatives. I’m not sure what those would be”.
“If I have a relative abroad who can send me money, they aren’t able to do it because [the U.S.] government doesn’t want the Cuban people to subsist”.
Trump’s and Rubio’s policies don’t just impact Cubans on the island. Their crackdown on migration could affect Cubans in the U.S. as well.
“We are gonna have to do something dramatic to remove people from this country”, says Rubio in an interview.
“People went looking for the American dream that Marco Rubio sold them and now there’s no place for them there”.
“Migration will always exist, no one will take that away. Not only Cubans, people from all over Latin America are looking for a better future”.
“I can't understand how someone, even if not born in Cuba, but with Cuban blood, could want to harm the Cuban people, who are the ones paying the consequences of these measures”.
“Rubio has a higher position now. If he had influence over the Cuban community in the U.S. and over U.S. policy before, now he’s going to have even more influence”.
“It’s a political strategy that he has implemented and has worked well for him in Miami, so he’ll continue it as long as it’s profitable”
“Someone who cares about the well-being of Cubans would act differently”.